Sunday 19 September 2010


Constitution of Hyde Park Unity Day

  1. The name of the Association is Hyde Park Unity Day.

  2. The organisation and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Management Committee, constituted by clause 7 of this constitution (The Management Committee)

  3. Aims and Objectives:

    • to unite the community by providing an opportunity to highlight the positive aspects of living, working and studying in Hyde Park;

    • to demonstrate the community’s strength through voluntary involvement;

    • to celebrate cultural diversity through art, music, performance and sport;

    • to create a focus point for community activities;

    • to unite and provide opportunities to celebrate the skills, talent and character of local people;

    • to be a vehicle for positive change and improvement in the area;

    • to utilise local employers, businesses and services where possible;

    • to encourage all people to participate, regardless of age, gender, ability;

    • to instigate and support community events throughout the year;

    • by working together, learn new skills from each other enabling building of confidence

  4. Powers

    In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Management Committee may exercise thefollowing powers:

    4.1 power to raises funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Management Committee shall not undertake any permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;

    4.2 power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;

    4.3 power subject to any consents required by law to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Association;

    4.4 power subject to any consents required by law to borrow money and to charge all or any part of the property of the Association with repayment of the money so borrowed;

    4.5 power to employ such staff (who shall not be members of the Management Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions and superannuation for staff and their dependants;

    4.6 power to co-operate with other associations, charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar aims and objectives and to exchange information and advice with them;

    4.7 power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations of institutions formed for all or any of the objects.

    4.8 power to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Management Committee may think fit;

    4.9 power to do all sucother lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.

  5. Membership

    5.1 Membership of the Association shall be open to: individuals who are interested in furthering the aims and objectives of the association who live or work in Hyde Park and the adjoining wards.

    5.2 every member over the age of 18 years shall have one vote.

  6. Honorary Officers

    At its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting the members of the Management Committee shall elect from amongst themselves a chair, a secretary, a treasurer and a health and safety coordinator, who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting.

  7. Management Committee

    7.1 The Management Committee shall consist of not less than 4 members nor more than 6

    members elected at the Annual General Meeting.

    7.2 The Management Committee may in addition appoint not more than 2 co-opted members but

    so that no one may be appointed as a co-opted member if, as a result, more than one third of

    the members of the Management Committee would be co-opted members.

    7.3 All the members of the Management Committee shall retire from office together at the end of

    the Annual General Meeting next after the date on which they came into office but they may be

    re-elected or re-appointed.

    7.4 The Management Committee shall hold not less than 12 meetings per year.

    7.5 A meeting shall be quorate with 4 members.

  8. Finances

    8.1 The funds of the Association, including all donations, contributions an bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Management Committee in the name of the Association at such bank as the Management Committee shall from time to time decide. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the of the Management Committee.

    8.2 The funds belonging to the Association shall be applied only in furthering the objects.

  9. Accounts

    9.1 The Association will keep records of all transactions.

    9.2 The Association will produce Annual Accounts as part of the Annual Report.

    9.3 The accounts will be open to inspection by interested parties.

  10. Annual Report

    The Management Committee will prepare an Annual Report in time for distribution at the Annual General Meeting.

  11. Annual General Meeting

    11.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association which shall be held in the month of February in each year or as soon as practicable thereafter.

    11.2 Every Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Management Committee. The secretary shall give at least 21 days notice of the Annual General Meeting to all the members of the Association. All the members of the Association shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

    11.3 Before any other business is transacted at the first Annual General Meeting the persons present shall appoint a chairperson of the meeting. The chairperson shall be the chairperson of subsequent Annual General Meetings, but if he or she is not present, before any other business is transacted, the persons present shall appoint a chairperson of the meeting.

    11.4 The Management Committee shall present to each Annual General Meeting the Annual Report and Annual Accounts of the Association for the preceding year.

    11.5 The Management Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

  12. Team Meetings

    All sections of the community are encouraged to take part in Team Meetings, where decisions are taken and events planned.

  13. Alterations to the Constitution

    Subject to the provisions of this clause the constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a Team Meeting. The notice of the Team Meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.

  14. Dissolution

    If the Management Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a meeting of all members of the Association, of which not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting, the Management Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Association as the members of the Association may determine or failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.

This Constitution was adopted on the date mentioned at a Team Meeting.

Date: 14/03/02

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