Sunday 19 September 2010

question about unity day

these question appear on unity days website

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is Hyde Park Unity Day?

The Hyde Park Unity Day Management Committee will release the date of Hyde Unity Day to the public two weeks before the event.


This is to contain the numbers for the event - Woodhouse Moor capacity 10,000 people. (Too many people the event gets shutdown).

Safety - Hyde Park Unity Day strongly believes that everyone volunteering and attending Hyde Park Unity Day should do so in a safe and friendly environment. Therefore all stewards and security are from the local area (to many people makes their job difficult).

Community - Hyde Park Unity Day is a local community event (too many people, we lose the 'local' and 'community' just ending up an event like any other event.

2. How do you get to play at Hyde Park Unity Day?
The best way to get your foot in the door (or on the stage!) is to play at a fundraiser. The best way to do this is to contact the fundraising Co-ordinator, (currently Pete Tatham ). Attending public meetings so we can put a face to a name & submitting a demo tape is recommended and encouraged.

Nearer the date of the event a panel consisting of the organisers of fundraisers plus one member of the Hyde Park Unity Day Management Committee decide who gets on the playlist. The playlist is then presented to the Hyde Park Unity Day Management Committee for approval.

3. If I am not going to be around for the actual day can I still be involved?

Yes, there is plenty of exciting and interesting opportunities to get involved in the run up. The planning of Hyde Park Unity Day begins around end of January beginning of February each year. So keep your eyes and ears open for posters or the word on the street.

4. Why is it free?
Because hundreds of people volunteer time, energy and talent for the benefit of the community.
Funds are raised through grants from numerous sources, fundraising events, bucket runs. and random weird and wonderful ideas.

5. Is it a council run event?

No. We are a 100% voluntary event, organised and run by people from within the community. However financial support is given by successfully applying each year for council grants

6. How goes? I'm in not in a band, solo performer or DJ. However I want to contribute my talent, skills energy and time to
Hyde Park Unity Day?
Contact relevant Area Co-ordinator or our Fundraising Co-ordinator (see contacts section) or attend a public meeting.

7. What makes Hyde Park Unity Day so important?
Hyde Park Unity Day is a unique day, it gives people who would not normally have the chance to be involved in such a big event, a chance to try their hand at organising, creating, communicating, interacting, learning, co-ordinating, inspiring at a grass roots level. The day has its own special magic created by the people involved and the energy they commit freely for the benefit of community spirit. The definition of community being ; caring for people close to you.

Last year it's estimated that well over 500 hundred people from within the community got involved volunteering their time and talents towards making Hyde Park Unity Day 08 happen. (Includes 93 bands/artists who played fundraisers).

8. How can I help?
See the volunteering section for links. Everything helps, even picking up a bit of litter!

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